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Lesbian Lover

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: changing room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Lesbian

We play rugby together, after a game we were covered in mud and went for showers. See, the last ones out have to clean the showers and lock up after them. As usual i was last out and as i was reaching for a mop i felt someones hands on my ass.

I stood up the hands went to my face and she started kissing me, as i pulled away she asked what was wrong ‘what are you doing?’ i said, ‘u know u want to’ came a reply she was right,i did. I fancied her ever since i saw her, her bright blue eyes and dark hair.

I kissed her back and she started playing with my tits so i put my hands down her pants and carressed her ass. She opened my jeans an put her hand down, stroking my pussy, i was horny for her and wanted her to go down on me right then but we just kissed and stroked each others pussy’s.

She fingered my pussy with 3 fingers untill i was about to come and then pulled them out and rubbed my clit, i had the best orgasm ever and she put her fingers in my mouth and i licked them clean before pullin my trousers up an locking up.

We went upstairs and acted like nothing had happened, i been seeing her for 3 years now and i loe her to bits, im glad she punced on me we still have the best sex.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience