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College Girls

Current Age: 21
Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: College Dorm
Langauge: English DUHHHHHH
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Lesbian

I was sitting on my bed waiting for my best friend to get to my dorm. We are in our second year of college. When she came , she had a short- skin tight dress on. With a bag. Of dildos. Not surpised? just wait. I told her I was gonna take a quick shower. Right as I was about to get out, she came in. Naked with a dildo in her hand. She got in the shower and turned it on. She started rubbing herself with the dildo. She told me to spread my legs, And I did. She put the didlo into my Vagina. My cherry popped. I screamed in pain. We tried something else. We got in the 69 pose. I was soo horny!! After that we cleaned up, Had a couple beers, and watched Netflix well making out. 😀

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