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Current Age: 50
Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

We had been dating for about 9 months. She was my sister’s best friend and circumstances had brought us together. We loved each other so much. Every opportunity we had to be together we took. I lived 300km away so we didn’t get to see each other that often- once a month. She was 19, studying, and still lived with her parents. On the weekends I was there she would sneak into my room once everyone had gone to sleep and we would kiss and cuddle. As time progressed our hands would wander more and more towards “those” areas. One weekend in the September of 1986 I had come to visit. We had been to the annual German dance in the town hall that night and had gotten home quite late. Up till now we hadn’t gone all the way- yes we had done oral, fingered etc, but not made love. In my mind had had planned two things for that night when she came to my room: 1) to make love for the first time , and 2) to ask her to marry me. I had been to the shops in my hometown before I left for the weekend and had bought condoms and KY in anticipation of the great event.

Anyway, that night after everyone had gone to bed she slipped into my room. She climbed into my bed as was her usual routine. Way lay there cuddling and kissing. Gradually our hands wandered and we began to stimulate each other. Then off came our pyjamas. We were naked. I went down on her and gave her pussy a good eating- sucking and licking and fingering. She got quite aroused and wet. She squirmed and moaned as I continued to eat her out. After a while I sat up and took out a condom and rolled it onto my erect dick. She said nothing, just smiled at me. Then I took the KY and applied some to my dick and a liberal amount ( I now realise it was way too much) to her pussy and vagina entrance. She still smiled at me. Then I went down on her, guiding my dick to her vagina. She smiled and kissed me. I pushed my dick in a little and pulled out. Then I pushed in a little deeper and pulled out. This next time I pushed in all the way. She let out a gasp and pulled me closer. We lay there, savouring the moment and the feeling for a while. Then the urge to thrust got the better of me. In and out I went. She stared to move with me, lifting her hips each time I thrusted in to her. I was in all the way- right up to the base of my penis. Oh what a wonderful feeling! We were one- joined in body, mind and soul. We had given each other the most intimate of ourselves to each other- our virginity. You can only give it once, and we gave it to each other. How special, how beautiful. And then it came- the point of no return. I could feel myself tensing up, getting ready to cum. And then it happened- these intense feelings of pleasure and pain shooting through me from the tip of my hard and sensitive dick all over my body. It was so different from all previous times that I had cum- either through stimulating myself or by my girlfriend. This time my dick was in her, surrounded by her warm and wet womanhood. It was amazing. I continued to thrust through my orgasm and not long after she came too. Wave after wave of pleasure washing over her. Afterwards she lay in my arms- both of us spent and filled with unbelievable love for each other. Then I whispered in her ear- “Will you marry me?” She burst into tears. “What’s wrong?”, I asked. “Yes,” she said, “YES! I will marry you!”

We made love again the following night with a little less urgency and more passion. I asked her afterwards if I had hurt her the previous night because of her gasp. She replied that it was weird- it was a bit sore, but a pleasurable kind of sore (she didn’t bleed).

Well, its been 29 years since that night when two virgins, in mutual consent, gave themselves to each other. We got engaged the following year and have been married now for 27 years and have three beautiful children. And our love-making is still as passionate and energetic as it was that very first time.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience