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Unbelievable Encounter

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Movie Theater
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

One Saturday afternoon, when I was 18, my buddy Dan and I went to this porn theater on the outskirts of town, just to see what a good X-rated film was like. We were curious. We paid our money and went inside. Not too many people were there — maybe 20 or so.

We sat in the back and took it all in. There was lots of great sex on the screen. Every kind of position one could imagine. And some great blow-job scenes. The actors were also nice and young, and handsome, in their 20s probably. The girls were absolute knoockouts. Both Dan and I had instant erections after only a few minutes of watching. And we were both rubbing the frontof our jeans for more stimulation.

All of a sudden, I saw someone coming down our row of seats (we were in the middle), and to my surprise, this girl sat down next to me.Even in the dark I could see she was really pretty, and before I knew it, she whispered in my ear, “Would you like me to suck your cock?” I looked at her in complete wonderment, and then noticed that I had seen this girl in a couple of my classes at school, and although we had never been introduced, we had kind of sent flirting glances back and forth to each other during class.As I said, she really was good looking and had a terrific body. “Are you kidding me?” I asked. “Not at all,” she said. With that, I kind of shrugged my shoulders, and said, “Well, do what you want.” And with that she unbuckled my belt, and zipped down my pants; then she reached under my jockey shorts and pulled out my boner, and leaned over and started to suck on it furiously! I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me. Dan couldn’t either. He just watched the screen for awhile and then glanced over and saw the same thing happening LIVE, right in front of him! Although I was 18, this was my first real experience with a girl sucking my cock. A couple of girls had given me hand-jobs on dates a few months before, but that was nothing like this.
Before long, I exploded in her mouth and she kept right on sucking and swallowing. She absolutely drained me. After the movie, we went out for a hamburger and coke. Dan said he’d catch up with me later. Later that week, we started dating, and we ended up, naked in bed, at her house. No one else was home. She said her Mother was at work. I had brought along a condom, which I used, and the sex was great! My very first! We continued to date and have sex regularly for the next several years, while we attended the local Community College. Before we went off to the University, we decided to get married. I was 21 and she was 20.Dan was my best man. “How lucky can you get,” was his remark to me on my wedding day. We got a small apartment and fucked our way through grad school.We couldn’t keep our hands off each other. She got on the pill, and told me to get rid of those rubber barriers. “When you come in me, I want to feel the whole thing,” she said.Today, our sex is still great, and her blow jobs are still outstanding. They’re even better than the one in the theater 7 years ago! She just loves me to death! We plan on having children later, but not just now. When we do have them, we plan on educating them in the joys of sex, so they, too, can enjoy to the fullest this wonderful experience.

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