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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: On Seagull Beach
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Last Summer, I had a cottage on the Cape with a couple of my room mates from college and a few friends from home. The Summer was great we worked a nights a week as waitresses, etc and hung on the beach all day scopin’ guys. Seagull beach was one hot place last year. THere were tons of guys on the beach and we checked out every one of ’em… twice.

We decided to have a cook out/ party on the beach one night because our cottage was close by. This is highly illegal so we could only invite a few people and had to be careful to keep it quite. We ended up with about 20 or so of our closest friends and a keg. Mishelle (roommate) and I decided to head down to the beach walking so that we wouldn’t have to drive home. We grabbed a few chairs, the cooler, towels, etc. By the time we got there it was about ten. We were all wearing bathing suits and those who weren’t were skinning dipping. After a while, we decided to just chill and sit on the beach drink beers, talking, singing songs and having fun. After a few hours of drinking draft beers, I needed to pee. I said that I was going to walk back to the house to go. Some of my friends started to give me a hard time because I wouldn’t just pee i the tall grass. Eventually, I gave in and wondered into the really really tall beach grass. I was very embarassed because I was wearing a one piece suit and had to take the whole thing off while I peed. I felt really ackward being naked on the beach. Whiel I was squatting down to pee, I could here somebody else coming into the grass too. I immediately stopped peeing and stayed squated down so nobody to see me naked. All of the sudden, I saw Kevin coming right toward me. About two feet away, he pulled down his trucks, whipped out his unit and started taking a squirt right there in front of me. Obviously, he didn’t see me in the darkness. I stayed quiet but was suddenly so turned on. I let Kevin go without saying a word and then I started to masturbate. I slipped first one finger then another into my now extra lubed pussy. I couldn’t believe that I had just watched Kevin go like right from eye level. His cock was close enough to reach out and grab and I didn’t. I felt like such a voyuer. I kept fingering myself and was feeling pretty good and then I slipped a finger into my anus. I had done this before and thought that it was incredibly erotic to be able to feel the other fingers that were in my pussy at the same time. I started to come. After a few more minutes of getting off, I heard somebody else coming into teh grass. THis time it was Kelly and some guy that she had met earlier in the week. Both of them took a squirt and then started to make out. Before I knew it, they were fucking right there in front of me. No more than 3 feet away. I was trying to be quiet, but couldn’t stop fingering my clit. I was in heaven watching this go on. THis was like watching SPICE except I knew everybody. Kelly and I were roomates for a few years and we shared a lot, but I never watched her fuck before. I was soooo turned on. I had a small silent orgasm. After Kelly and her stud left, I finally took that pee that I came in for. As I was fininshing, more foot steps. Again, it was one of the guys. Down came his shorts and out popped his hog. After a few seconds, I couldn’t resist any more. I reached out an held it for him. At first, I scared the crap out of him. THen he saw me kneeing there naked in the grass and he knew what was going to happen. I let him finish going and softly fingered myself while he did. AS soon as he was done, I took him into my mouth. I was a virgin, but had given a few blow jobs in my day. I proceded to blow his brains out. Just as he was about to cum, he started to pull out of my mouth. I tried to hold him in but only got half of his jizz. The rest squirted on to my cheek and hair. After he was done, he got down in the grass and started to finger me. Of course, since I had been doing this to myself for twenty minutes, he could have put his whole arm in my twart, but he was gentle. After a couple of minutes of ackwardly fingering me, he started to push his erect cock into my extremely well lubed hole. Yes, he pushed too hard. Yes, I was a virgin. Yes, it did hurt. Yes, I did bleed quite a bit. No, the sex wasn’t all that good. No, I never saw him again. Yes, I did orgasm. But the best orgasm of the night came while I was watching Kelly getting boned by her new boy friend. After we were back at the house, I told Kelly what I had seen her doing in the grass. I also told her that I masturbated while I watched. At first, she called me a perv for watching. Then she told a few of the roommates what I had done. Before you know it, one of them asks me to describe it to her. As I started to describe Kelly taking this guys cock into her mouth, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. As a minute, MIshelle said that she was getting horny just listening. After a few more minutes, four of us were sitting around the bedroom watching each other masturbate and describing intimate details of sexual encounters. No, we aren’t lesbians, we just enjoyed our sexuality together.

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