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First Wok

Age when it happend: 60
Where it happened: Chinese Restaurant
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

This really was a FIRST for me. And it happened just a few hours ago. My wife and I were at the Mall and decided to have lunch at this Chinese buffet restaurant, called the First Wok. We had been there many times in the past and had enjoyed their good food.

When we entered, we could see that the ploace was pretty full of customers, but we got ushered to an empty booth. There was the usual oriental music playing from the loud speakers, and there was quite a bit of noise from all of the customers conversing. It was not long after my wife and I got our plates filled and sat down that we began to hear, over the music and chatter, sounds of “Aaaahhhh….Aaaahhh…” and “Ohhhhh….Ohhh…” It was quite loudirst we didn’t pay too much attention to it, but it kept getting louder and it didn’t seem normal at all. It seemed to be coming from over in the smaller “Smoking” area of the Restaurant, which is sort of separated from the rest of the restaurant which is “Non-Smoking,” and is divided off from the main part by wooden barriers probably 4-5 feet high with glass trim above that. We kept eating, but the sound kept getting even louder, and even some of the other customers began looking over in that direction.

Finally, I decided to satisfy my curiosity and walked over to the entrance to the “Smoking” section. There was no one in there except, way back in the corner, I saw this guy sitting in the very back booth, with his jeans and boxers down around his ankles, and this beautiful blonde was under the table giving him head! He was just sort of leaning back, enjoying the whole experience with his penis being serviced by this gorgeous girlfriend of his! I could not believe my eyes!They evidently figured they couldn’t be heard above the noise of the other patrons and the background music and decided to take a chance that they could get away with it.

Well, this was absolutely amazing to me — seeing fellatio being given in a public restaurant in the middle of the afternoon! What are we coming to, I said to myself.

Needless to say, I reported them to the management, and they were soon straightening themselves out and leaving the restaurant.

When I told my wife, she was completely speechless, but on the way home, and thinking about the whole thing, I got a hard-on myself, and when I got home, I steered my wife into the bedroom and made love to her for about an hour.I sort of felt like a young teenager again! We just finished.It was one of the best fucks I’ve ever had!

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