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Crystal Crill

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: A motel in WildWood, NJ
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 17 before I finally had a boyfriend. The whole concept of him getting hard while we kissed amazed me. I couldn’t believe that I was making a man aroused.
We played around more and more, till I finally jerked him off one night. I still remember his smile, and his glazed over eyes when he was done. He didn’t really have any experience, either. (there was one older tattood chick he was “dating” before me, who seduced him, and I think he started sex with her one night, but someone interupted them and he didn’t finish.) He of course, wanted to “give me the pleasure I gave to him”, but I was still scared and shy. So I refused for a few weeks!
Finally one night, in my room, we were messing around, and I finally let him pull my pants down under the covers, and start fingering me(not actually inserting fingers, but just rubbing). It was pretty great…..till my Mom walked in!!
She wanted to know what we were doing, and MADE me get up and pull my pants up! If THAT wasn’t the most horrible thing EVER!!!

Anyway, over the next 6 months we had learned to do everything….except actual intercourse. We used to have “fake sex”, we called it. We’d be in the right position, but he would just rub his cock over my vagina till we’d both come. I remember how he used to get all worked up and plead just to “stick it in ONE time!!”
But I always said no. I just wasn’t ready yet.

Well, we made plans to go to the shore together. We reserved a crappy cheap motel just outside of Wildwood, NJ.
The day before we went, we were sitting in his car just talking and being cute, and he was all nervous, but managed to ask me if we could “do it for real” when we went to the shore.
I had thought about it already, and thought that would be the perfect time. So I said yes, we kissed and all that.
I told him he had to get condoms. All of a sudden, he pulled a pack out from under his seat. He was prepared!!

The day of the shore came, and on the ride there, we heard “Tonight’s The Night” by Rod Stewart. How perfect, eh? That became “our song” for the rest of our relationship. Not a very romantic song, thinking back, but it was appropriate I guess!

We got to the motel and made some quick food and got settled in. I forget if we went to see the ocean or not. Probably, cause I always loved that first glimpse of the ocean when you first get there. It’s always been magical to me.

Well, as much as I tried to put if off, cause I was very scared and very nervous, the time finally came. I couldn’t put it off anymore.
I was about to lose my innocense. My virginity. My childhood. It was all very deep to me, and I was very sad!
I shouldn’t think so much!

We got naked, put a few towels under me for the popping of the cherry, did the foreplay that we were so good at, fumbled around with the condom, trying to get it right, and started.
He was very gentle, and I was very nervous and probably clenching my muscles too much.
I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion at the whole thing, so as he was trying to gently in, I started bawling my eyes out!! (how sexy, eh?)
He kept trying, though, after making sure it was still alright with me.
It did seem to hurt, too. But probably not as much physically, as mentally. I was a total wreck the WHOLE time. It was ridiculous, actually.
Then all of a sudden……..he got in. He started going in and out slowly, and womanhood came over me! I started groaning and LOVING it!!
It wasn’t real quick or anything. It lasted a few minutes I guess. I just loved it! The feeling of him actually being INSIDE me was wonderful!

So after we were done, loving and hugging and being closer than ever before, we remembered that there must have been blood on the towels. We checked everywhere, but there was nothing! We even checked me. Nothing. No blood.
We were dumbfounded! But we gave up and went to sleep. Naked. Our first time to sleep all night together, and be naked. Yep. I was a woman now.

The next morning, we woke up and did it again, right away. But after we were done, we realized the condom was broken through and pushed all the way up his dick!
I freaked.
There went all my fun of womanhood. I could be having a BABY in 9 short months! And I only had sex TWICE!!!
I was NOT happy.
I told him that if I was pregnant, we WERE having an abortion. There was no question.
I cried and cried, I was so upset.
But he was good. He supported me and we got over it.
I don’t even remember being nervous till my next period. Huh.
Anyway, luckily, I was NOT pregnant. Whew!!!

To this day, somewhere in a box of old stuff, I have a small baggie with a floor tile from the shower of the motel room, a hand drawn picture of the motel room, and a few other things from that trip. I forget what.
I look back and laugh sometimes, when I stumble upon it.

And about that missing blood?? I don’t know what happened, he must have pushed into me soooo gently, that he pushed my cherry to the side, cause a month later, we were having some good hard sex in the back of my Mom’s car in a school parking lot near his house, and when I got home, I noticed blood all over! (I was on the pill by now, and it was NOT my period. I thought back on the night, and remembered that the sex did hurt a bit. I was slightly sore.
I might have ridden him. I forget. He had a normal sized penis, too, if that’s what your thinking….that he was too small. Nope. It was a fine size.
But whatever, I finally lost my cherry!!! A month later!!!
So I sort of have two “first time” stories, I guess!

Well, I’m married now. (not to that guy.) I have two kids, and 6 “notches on my bedpost”, if you will.
(only 5 notches when I got married, but one more when my husband and I got a little wild with some friends, heh heh!)

The End!

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