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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Her House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

It was in the summer of 1993, I was in summer school. I had failed freshmen egnlish so I had to take it again. When I got to the class the teacher asked me for my name I told him and he sat me in back of a white girl. At first I dint pay to much attention on her until she sayd “Is today the 19th” I sayd yes. Thats all I sayd verbaly! in my mind I wow! as soon as the class ended I walked home and to my amazement she was walking the same way. I cought up with her and asked her going home? she said yes. I told her do u mind if I walk with you she said sure. As we walked we started to talk about each other. That happened for about 2 weeks until she said do u want to come in for a drink? I sayd alright. The house was a 2 story home, it was big and modern (typical white family home). She unexpectly said my parents arent home. I dint say any thing she let me in to the living room, then thru the stairs. She said come on in it was her room. I am goin to change my clothes ok. I sayd ok. I though she was goin to go in to bathroom but to my amaze she took of her clothes in front of me. Then she sayd do u want me? I was in shock (first time that happened)She dint give me time to ansewr when she go on top of me. My dick was erected when i saw her strip in front of me. So with no body asking me again I started to finger her and at the same time putting my tongue all over her. It was the first and shortest time I had spent making love. she was very good, it was her 1st time to. When I felt my cum comming out I took it out and spreaded it al over her body. After about an hour we stoped and went in to the shower together. Their she gave me some blow jobs. Till this day I still do her We have been goin out for 6 long years. shes my sweet heart, we r goin to college at the same time. We still make love but it is better and better every second.

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